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Effie Galletly


landscape artist

quilt maker

New Gallery: Postcard Paintings

Hello again

I find myself going in a new direction - for the moment at least. For the first time I have paintings to view on the website, in the new gallery called Postcard Paintings.

During 2020, I was laid low with Covid 19 which became Long Covid. A year later in 2021 I still had little energy for quilt making. 

However I found my way to watercolours and started painting at a small size. In this gallery you will find  Postcard Paintings which all reflect my memories of the Western Isles and the Western Highlands of Scotland.

These original, unique, unframed watercolour paintings, measuring 15 x 10 cm (6" x 4") are priced at £25 each (GBP) plus post and packing. (Free p&p on two or more Postcard Paintings.)

You are very welcome to view these in the gallery and if you would like to make a purchase, go to the Contact page to let me know which Postcard(s) you would like and to make arrangements for payment.

All good wishes,


Website Shop Open Again

Great news! The website shop is open again. It has been a long time since I had to close it back in March due to the onset of the corona virus. However the shop is now open and my book Patterns in Landscape is available online again. You will find it here.

All good wishes,


New Work at Morven Gallery

Morven Gallery on the Isle of Lewis opens for the season on May Bank Holiday Weekend 2019. I have three small pieces on show. If you're in the area, pop in. Lots of artists have work exhibited. And of course there are the legendary coffees and cakes. 

Exhibition in Lewis June 2018

I have just had it confirmed that I will be exhibiting at Morven Gallery on the Isle of Lewis for the month of June next year. The Opening will be on 2nd June, so please come along if you are in the area. Come and say hello during the month.

I will be showing a mixture of work, the majority of which will all be made from my own hand dyed fabrics. The working title at the moment: Hand Dyed Hebrides. 

Good wishes,


What a Month!

Seems along time since the last news clip. And a lot has happened. First the Knitting and Stitching Show in Edinburgh, where I felt so well looked after by my host the Quilters' Guild, Scotland Region. Positively pampered. I met loads of old friends and made some new. Then came teaching in the Lake District. Further south to take part in Quilts UK in Malvern. And last but not least my very final workshop at Midsomer Quilting in Somerset. So no more in the room workshops, but I plan a lot more activity online, so keep watching this space and also my YouTube channel.

My work from QuiltsUK goes on to Sandown, (23rd-25th June) so if you are in the area at the time, please visit.

The picture is a detail of Harris Beach, a piece which was on show through the month and now has a happy home with a new owner in Edinburgh.

All good wishes,


Trip to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow

While in the area yesterday we paid a visit to the a Riverside Museum in Glasgow. It has a fabulous collection of transport vehicles of all kinds. Took me right back to my childhood and beyond. Wonderful day out. Great for kids too. Good cafe and shop. Worth a visit if you're in the area.

Next stop the Knitting and Stitching Show in Edinburgh.

More later.


Find Me on Instagram!

I am finding my feet with Instagram. You will find some work related images and some more home related. My address is @effiegalletlylandscapes  See you there!

My picture, taken yesterday, is of a local new inhabitant.


New Video Series on You Tube!

Watch out for the new series of videos demonstrating quick tips in making patterns for patchwork landscapes. You will find the first one here. Simple straight line patterns can be very effective in creating distance.


First Time in Edinburgh

I have just been invited to show work in Edinburgh next April. The invitation came from the Quilters' Guild Scottish Region and I am thrilled to be a part of it.

It will be at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston between 27th and 30 April next year as part of the Knitting and Stitching Show. Looking forward to it already.


Latest YouTube Clip - Free Seam Allowances

I've just released this today. It gives a short and sweet tip on how to sew your work together so that it lies as flat as it will. Take a look.

Latest YouTube Clip - Accurate Piecing!

The latest video covers a bit about getting those pesky corners in the exactly right place. It's not at all difficult. You just have to be methodical and take your time. Try it out.

Follow the directions and you won't go far wrong. Here's the link.

The Latest Tip from Me on You Tube

 I have just published the latest of my clips on YouTube. It's about expressing light in structures in a landscape. You can find it here. Have fun.


Quilts Outside and In!

It's a sunny blowy day today. The Pop Up Gallery is open until Saturday. It has been dry enough to put out a quilt today - one which really fits in with its environment. You can just see a sapphire blue Atlantic Ocean behind me in the picture. Drop in if you are around. A couple of rooms of landscape quilts on show.


Buttercups everywhere...

The Pop Up Gallery show has started here in South Galson. Quite a few visitors have come through already.

Meanwhile outside the wild flowers are springing up everywhere. There are hillsides covered in buttercups and even in the times when the sun isn't shining, they glow across the fields. This picture was taken right outside the window. Note the lovely purple orchid in the middle. We decided to let the garden run wild this summer and this is what we have. Lovely.


Pop Up Gallery Update....

I have decided to extend the days of the Pop Up Gallery in Lewis. All details can be found here. Please call in if you are in the area. There will be tea on offer too.

Look forward to seeing some of you.

Best wishes,


A Recent Article...

I wrote an article Another Bend in the Road, for The Quilter which was published in the spring issue, April 2016. You can see the whole three pages on the Articles page.

It's a bit of a looking backwards and looking forwards at the same time.



New Gallery

I have just added a new gallery. It contains three very different pieces and details from each one. Not a big gallery, but well formed and suggesting a couple of different directions the work has gone in this year.

At a middle stage in my studio at the moment are three more traditionally styled, full bed sized quilts. Three young people will be the recipients. Of those more later.....

Best wishes


Next YouTube Gig - Finding the Lines

This month's tip for you looks at the beginning of pattern making for landscape quilts, from the lines in the landscape itself. You will find it here.

Pop Up Gallery on the Island!

Effie is opening her home on the Isle of Lewis as a pop up gallery to show some of her landscape quilts on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd of July, 10.30 am - 4.30 pm. 

There will  be a cup of tea and fresh baking too. If you are in the area, please drop in.

36 South Galson  HS2 0SH

Next on YouTube - Tools to Get Going

If you would like to start making your own landscape quilts, here are a few ideas to get you going. Don't forget there are other hints and tips out on You Tube and another to come every month.


Good wishes,


Warp and Weft!

If you have ever had any doubts about the warp and the weft, let me sort it out for you right now. Here on YouTube is my next 'hint and tip' for you.


Rule of Thirds on You Tube

Second video just gone live. Find it here. A quick tip on looking at your image from the beginning and aiming to invite your viewer in to look further.

Effie's First You Tube Video

Today I have mounted my first video on You Tube. You can take a look here. The first introduces my book, Patterns in Landscape. I hope you like it. There will be hints and tips coming up regularly so watch out for them. 

All for now.

Best wishes,


Dates for 3-Day Summer Island Workshops 2016

The dates for next year's 3 day summer island workshops are now confirmed. They will run on 20th, 22nd and 23rd June and later on the 4th, 6th and 7th July, 2016. They will take place at the Barvas and Brue Community Centre in Barvas, Isle of Lewis. Please go here for more details and to make a booking. NB The two different weeks are separate bookings. This link takes you to the June dates. Scroll down for the July booking dates.

I look forward to hearing from you. I will be away between 10th and 28th December but will still be able to connect via email. Do not despair if you don't hear immediately. Your booking will be looked after.

All good wishes,


Batik Tablet

It's a most beautiful day in the Western Isles today. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the wind has dropped. Perfect. So far I have been indoors finishing this piece. This afternoon I will be outdoors taking in the colours and the deliciously fresh air. The North Atlantic Ocean at the bottom of the road is a sapphire blue, not unlike some of the blues in Batik Tablet.

All good wishes,


Local Friends

Alone working inside the house, but I have company outside the window.....

Blue Skies Blowing in the Blue Sky

Just dyed some fabrics for skies today. Out blowing on the line now. 

Festival of Quilts

Just home from a fantastic weekend at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England - the biggest show in Europe. Wonderful work in all directions. I had a very expensive cubby hole to sell my book Patterns in Landscape and show a few pieces of work. I arrived with one piece of work already promised to a buyer, and another sold on the first day! 

The classes went well. I enjoyed teaching with a new kit I designed - something which I hadn't done before. Good responses and excellent work done.

Lots of interest in the book, good sales and questions about more workshops. I will have to get planning.

The picture is of the piece, Skye Hill Shapes, that went off to a new home in Santa Barbara, California.

All good wishes,


New Work for 2015

After the launch of my new book, Patterns in Landscape last week, comes the work that has been done alongside it this year. 

My subject is Lazy Beds and Machair, both typical elements in the summer landscape on the islands off the west coast of Scotland. You will find images of the work with their descriptions in this gallery.

The books are going well, a couple going as far away from Scotland as Texas in the US and Queensland in Australia. They can be sent wherever they are wanted!

Best wishes,


My New Book!

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book Patterns in Landscape. It is a step by step guide to making landscape in pieced fabrics. Starting from traditional patchwork basics, it goes on to look at composition, colour and perspective as they are used to create any size of convincing landscape image. Part of the book is devoted to a whole project from start to finish with detailed instruction at each stage. There is a project pattern included. 

It has taken a couple of years to assemble my ideas and incorporate helpful hints which I have learned from teaching all over Great Britain over the last decade. I hope you like the results.

The book will be launched at Morven Gallery on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland on Saturday 6th June. I will also be showing new work at the gallery along with two other artists. If you live locally or are visiting, please drop in between 2 and 4pm. As well as showing new work, I will be signing books!

All good wishes,


A Wee Extra.....

Wild honeysuckle. Delicious.

July Summer Workshops on Lewis Full!

The July Workshops are now full. If you would like to have your name put on a waiting list, please make contact here.

There are plenty of places still available in the June classes (22nd, 23rd, 25th June) but who knows for how long... Lewis can be VERY beautiful in June and July. The wild flower (machair) will be out - buttercups, clover, orchids and more. A great time for landscape quilt making.

Best wishes


Sneak Preview - Teaching at the Festival of Quilts

For those who can't make it to the Isle of Lewis this summer, I will be teaching at the Festival of Quilts. It's a new workshop called A Landscape in Less then 10 Pieces. I am doing it twice, on the mornings of 7th and 9th August at the NEC in Birmingham, England. All levels welcome. Keep your eye on the FOQ website for details.

A Great Start in Brighton!

Last Friday saw the opening of a new show in Brighton. Along with 53 other houses, At The Coachhouse had an opening for seven artists showing their work. This is a first for me after showing for a number of years at Morven Gallery on the Isle of Lewis, this is all new and a lot of fun. 

All Artists Open Houses are showing this weekend and the following two weekends until 14th December, so if you are in the area come along and pay a visit. 

How Could I Get That Wrong?

We arrived on Lewis yesterday blissfully unaware that we had got here just in time for the Exhibition Opening (with my work in it!) at Morven Gallery on Saturday 31st May. Having just sent out a newsletter announcing it as 7th June, this was a bit of a surprise. However I have swung into action and the party dress is now ready for the event tomorrow. It is always exciting at Morven. People get in the mood to enjoy themselves. They come from all over the Islands for an afternoon out. 

After what feels like long months away I am so pleased to be back on the Island. I am looking forward to catching up with friends, seeing other artists, and showing what I have managed to fit around some very busy winter months. I am looking forward to seeing what others have done too. Simon Rivett, David Greenall and Ruth Odell are all showing work. It's a great combination.

For those who can't come along to Morven, you can see my part of the exhibition pieces here.

My full apologies for getting the date wrong. For anyone who was planning to come, I hope you can still manage.

All best wishes,


Beginners' Patchwork in Lewis

The first thing to understand about patchwork is that anything goes. The beauty of the thing is in the eye of the beholder. So why bother doing a class?

There are a few rules to learn at the beginning that will help with the manufacture of patchwork. These rules can save time and give a crisp look to your work. If a crisp look is not what you want, there is room for that too. It will not hurt to know the basics, even if you choose to ignore them.

There is a whole history of traditional patchwork which is fun to explore and a fund of information to discover. There are endless permutations of patterns to be made. You can learn them and go on to make up your own. The sky is the limit. The most important thing is that if you have ambitions in a specific area you can learn how to achieve whatever effect you want.

This beginners' course of six weeks will deal with the basic making and some of the simpler traditional designs. There will be room for some simpler organic creativity. But the basic manufacture will be the same. The aim is to get you started and inspire you to find your own way. Most of all it should be fun.

Classes are planned at two venues on the Isle of Lewis:

Barvas and Brue Community Centre, Tuesday evenings from 7 – 9 pm from 29th October until 3rd December.  

Sporsnis, Thursday afternoons, 2 – 4 pm from 31st October until 5th December.     

Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to be in either of the classes. I can only run them if there are enough takers. If you would like to go right ahead and book a place, please go to the shop.

Hope to hear from you soon.

All good wishes


Great Fun on the Island

It's a bit of a gamble offering workshops on the Island. However it definitely paid off this month. People came from all over Scotland and England, from as far apart as Inverness and Bristol, Dorking and Lewis itself. 

The classes were all ladies, but a significant proportion brought their other halves for a break in the isles. Week 1 was sunny and warm and husbands had a wonderful time outside all day. Stories came in at the end of each day of golden eagles spotted, terns, oyster catchers, guillemots and even a sea eagle one day. Week 2 on the other hand was mostly rainy, which is not a hardship when you are trying to concentrate on working indoors, however not so much fun for those accompanying. 

We are now driving south again for a few months. Family to see, house moving to do. Sewing will have to wait. Again.

Plans are afoot for classes on the Island again in October and November this year. Keep watching this space....and even better, sign up for the Newsletter. Joining the Mailing List will keep you in touch with whatever is going on.

All the best,


Carlaway Panorama on View

Carlaway Panorama, the main piece in Unexpected Connections, my new work, is now on show in its own gallery on the site. You can find it here. It has taken me a couple of days to figure out how to get it on the site to best advantage, so I hope you enjoy it. 

The sun is shining in the Isles and everything is finally coming to life again after a very long cold spring. 

The first workshops went well last week and I am looking forward to meeting those participating in next week's classes. I admire the commitment people make coming from many parts of the British Isles, taking up residence for a week or so and getting to know the place as well as working hard on landscape quilts. Next week three local ladies will be taking part as well as the travellers.

Enjoy the Panorama gallery and you might like to dip into some of the other work in Unexpected Connections too, which is on show throughout June at Morven Gallery on Lewis.

Just a quick note...

Today I am sitting indoors as the wind and rain howl outside in North West Lewis. I am working on and pricing new work that will be on show at Morven Gallery opening on Saturday 1st June. 

Good news! I have managed to reduce some of the prices on previous work. If you would like to have a look go here.  A few of these will be on show at Morven Gallery too.

Newsletter coming out soon.

Till then,

All best wishes,


Sensational Sunshine in the North

After the howling winds of the last week the temperatures have decided to warm up today and it's possible to believe that spring is on its way - in the far north west of Scotland anyway. Lewis is all of a dazzle today.

I have just tweeted a view on my walk this morning, so for those of you who are not on twitter I will attach it here.

For those not on the mailing list (yet) you can catch up here. And find out what's going on regularly without raising a finger except signing up - see top right hand corner of these pages.

All good wishes


On the Way North....

On the way north to Scotland today, we stopped off at the Quilt Festival at Farfield Mill, Sedbergh. It's a wonderful renovated mill with much of the original working parts and history of the place on show. It's fascinating and well worth a visit. 

The Quilt Festival is great too, with work by a local group of Cumbrian quilt makers, Quilt Art, a European group of artists, Pauline Burbidge, Lynn Setterington and myself.

In the mill on a regular basis,there are spaces with working artists in situ - weavers, felters, ceramicists, jewelers, quilters, embroiderers, wood turners, furniture makers. There are workshops for those who want to learn some of these crafts. And there's a great shop. Take a look here for exhibition opening times, spaces, workshop times and topics. People travel some distance to take part and I'm sure it's well worth it.

Sedbergh's post code is Cumbria but it is next door to the Yorkshire Dales and Bronte country. A revelation to me today. We have often stopped in the Lake District when travelling north as we have family connections there. Today, instead of turning left off the M6, we turned right and the rolling hills of the Dales spread out in front of us. Magic. Do visit if you can.

Heading to the far north next week. I will check in again from there.

Best wishes,


A Moving Experience

As you can see it's a while since I posted any news here. Life is a bit topsy turvy at the moment. Since we decided to sell the family home and move to a smaller abode, life has been taken over sorting out seemlingly endless bags of this and that from over the years. The recycling centre, charity shops and tip have become very familiar places. Other people manage, so we will too. I just wish I was already 6 or 9 months down the track and could look back seeing how it all worked out.

So - no sewing at the moment. I am looking forward to getting back to the Islands in the not too distant future. There at least there will be time to pick up the threads as it were, continue with work already in progress. 

Looking forward too to the workshops in Lewis in June. If you have an interest and haven't booked already, don't leave it too long to let me know. Click here for info.

In the meantime, we hope for straightforward sale of our house and a good solution for a roof over our heads for the next part of our lives. Till then, back to the sorting.....

All best wishes


Midsomer Quilting - the Best!

If you are ever in the Somerset (England) area take a trip to Midsomer Quilting in Chilcompton. It's the best quilting shop for miles around. The range of fabrics is astonishing (newly extended), they offer classes at all levels, long arm quilting and lots more. I can find whatever I need for projects from simple baby quilts to complex Scottish landscapes. Definitely my favourite. Find out all about it here.

That's the news for today.

Best wishes,


Happy New Year!

Roll on 2013 and all aspects of the site are as normal. After a very busy Christmas and a bit of jet lag I will be getting ready for the exhibition at Farfield Mill. Batons to be made ready, quilts to sort. Brochures and postcards will also be available at the exhibition. 

I have a few Hebridean Landscape Calendars still for sale. Due to it now being 2013, there is a bargain for a few. The Calendar will be on sale for £6 (including post and packing) until 31st January or until stocks run out.

There are places in both weeks in June for the 3 Day Workshops on Lewis. 3 places left in the first week, 8 in the second. Looking forward to it already!

All best wishes,


Restriction in the Shop over Christmas

As this is a one woman operation and I will be away from the Shop over two weeks, there will be no orders filled between 14th and 29th December. 

Workshops in Lewis will still be able to be booked and you can still contact me. Just no orders.

Have a very Merry Christmas.


Exhibition 2013 - Quilted Landscapes

Out of the blue and entirely by word of mouth, I have been offered the opportunity to show some of my work as part of an exhibition in Farfield Mill, Sedbergh, Cumbria, a restored Victorian woollen mill - the leading venue for textile arts in the North West of England. 

My part of the exhibition is Quilted Landscapes - inspired by the Hebridean Islands of Scotland.

The whole event is called Quiltfest and will display work in layered textiles. Also taking part will be Quilt Art, a dynamic group of international contemporary artists showing their collection Voices; and a group of quilt makers who are members of the Quilters' Guild of the British Isles based in Cumbria. 

The whole mill will be given over to showing these works between the 19th of January and the 7th of April. For all details of opening times and other events/workshops on offer when you visit, keep an eye on the Mill website. And I will keep you posted too.

I am really pleased to be a part of it.

All best wishes


Things Change

The changing colours outside remind me that life itself changes constantly. It reminds me that I need to let people know that I am making a few changes of my own to my working practice next year. 

For personal reasons I have cancelled two upcoming dates in the spring of 2013. I am sorry to have had to do that. However, overall, I find the travelling requires more energy than I want to give it. I love doing talks, sharing my ideas, teaching and learning from others. I meet so many interesting people in the process. I prefer to keep my 'outer' energy for that.

From now on I am offering classes to those who will come to me, either in the Outer Hebrides, (a great opportunity to visit a remote and fascinating part of the British Isles) or in the south of England where I plan to set up workshops too. Watch this space for details.

Most importantly of all of course I plan to make more work of my own. That focus needs my 'inner' energy and I anticipate a good year ahead working on interpretations of what I have been able to glean from my surroundings this year.

Positive changes. I look forward to seeing how it pans out.

All best wishes


The Calendar Companion.

For those who may not have seen the CD style of calendar here is an image. It's a friend on the desk or table top. I haven't made calendars every year. However a few people have told me that when they haven't been able to have a new one they have just used the old calendar again whether the dates were right or not, as they like the images so much! 

The calendars are available as long as stocks last. Likewise for the Special Christmas Bundle.

I'm off on a trip to Gloucestershire and Lincolnshire this week. You can see where on the Events page.

Enjoy the landscapes wherever you are, those of you who are in the northern hemisphere, as the colours start to change.

All best wishes


3 - Day Island Workshops June 2013 Booking Opens

Booking is now open for the 3 - Day Workshops on Lewis, Outer Hebrides, in June 2013. They will take place at Barvas and Brue Community Centre on the Island on 4th - 6th June and 11th - 13th June. Please read the details of the workshops before booking.  

You can book online in the Shop. If there are any queries or if there is any reason why you don't want to book online, let me know

Some of you have provisionally booked already and I look forward to hearing from more of you. 

That's the news for this week.

All best wishes,


Island Classes - Christmas Bundle - New on Facebook!

For those of you who haven't yet put yourselves on the Mailing List here are a few nuggets from the recent Newsletter.

Island Landscape Workshops

There is an opportunity for those interested in making Landscape Quilts to come to Lewis next summer and learn how. I have set up classes in June. The colours on the Islands can be spectacular then. They are 3-day classes, so think of coming for a week, take in the sights and work on an interpretation. Details of dates, travel and accommodation are here.

Effie's Special Christmas Bundle

A bumper bundle is available in the Shop for only 12 weeks. Have a look and don't leave it too long to order. Everything in the shop is of course available to buy singly.

New on Facebook

Branching out in the social department. A very steep learning curve for me....  Click on the side bar to see.

New Gallery

I decided to make this gallery for those looking to make a purchase and not wanting to sort through all the pieces in the various galleries which are and aren't still available for sale. Everything in this gallery is still available.

In the Future...

If you want to have the news come straight to you, join the Mailing List.

That's all for now.

All good wishes


End of the Summer

The time is nearly come now when I leave the islands and go back south to the other part of my life. Yesterday it was sunny and very windy. Today there is no wind, just sheeting rain. The windows are being well washed before our departure. The nights are just beginning to draw in and autumn is just around the corner. 

I was disturbed in my work room this morning by the sound of a lamb bleating outside the house. It had found its way onto the road and couldn’t get back into the field.  It spent a while munching on our clover remnants and grasses, then while I looked away for a bit, it seemed to find its way back into the field.

We will head off on a short trip through Harris, Skye, Ardnamurchan, Mull and Galloway before crossing the border. If you have to travel this is a very fine way to do it.

All good wishes


Show Opening - Amongst Other Things

There have been a few nuggets of news since my last post. The exhibition opening at Morven Gallery went well on the 2nd June. I am lucky enough to have my work hanging alongside a consumate landscape artist Simon Rivett. His work and mine do complement one another very well, both of us looking in depth at the detail in light and texture in the elements of northern landscapes. The show is well worth a visit if you're in the Western Isles. Five of my pieces have sold. Postcards and the Calendar for 2013, Hebridean Landscapes, are going well.

Weather has been fine here, unlike the rest of the British Isles which seems to have been awash and miserable. Here the sun has been shining, though the temperatures are not as high as expected for the time of year. The light is clear and on special days, dazzling. Last week I was lucky enough to be taken on a Seatrek trip around the coast on just such a day. There were Minky whales playing a little way from our boat; seals sunning themselves and playing to the gallery; fulmars, gannets, puffins sweeping round above us. We visited a magical cave with extraordinary colours in the stone, and a couple of golden white beaches with immaculate lucid turquoise water lapping around them. We returned exhilerated by the experience.

Walking on the moor yesterday it was clear how dry it has been here. There were fires on the island last week and it is not hard to see how the dry old growth could easily take light. No rain and lots of wind makes for a different kind of tinderbox. Not usual in the Outer Hebrides.

I had to stop on the road for a little family of wild geese today. The domestic geese in the field beside the house are still sitting on their nest. No sign of goslings - yet.

All good wishes,


  • Landscape 2

  • Skye Hill Shapes

  • Lazy Beds 1

  • St Kilda from North Uist

  • Colourful Lichen

  • Beach at Huisnis, Harris

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  • There are no upcoming events at the moment.

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